Meet Our Guides & Facilitators


The Rogue River, flowing through southern Oregon, is a captivating stretch of water steeped in natural and cultural history. Designated as one of America’s original eight Wild and Scenic Rivers in 1968, the Rogue is renowned for its breathtaking beauty, diverse ecosystems, and sense of wildness. It winds through deep canyons and lush forests, offering a tapestry of old-growth trees, abundant wildlife, and pristine waters that provide a haven for salmon, otters, bears, and bald eagles.

The Rogue River holds profound significance for the Indigenous peoples who have called this land home for thousands of years. It flows through the ancestral territories of the Tolowa Dee-ni’, Takelma, Modoc, Cow Creek Umpqua, Tututni, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz, and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. The Takelma, whose name means "people living along the river," lived in harmony with the river, integrating its resources and rhythms into their cultural and spiritual practices. However, during the Rogue River Wars (1855-1865), these Indigenous peoples were forcibly removed. The river's landscapes are interwoven with their stories, traditions, and histories, crucial to the river's essence.

Geologically, the Rogue River's journey from the Cascade Range, through the Klamath-Siskiyou mountains, to the Pacific Ocean spans a dynamic landscape shaped by volcanic activity, tectonic movements, and erosion. This history has carved out dramatic canyons and diverse habitats, creating a natural playground that is both tranquil and thrilling. The Rogue River embodies a magical confluence of nature's beauty and power, inviting all who visit to experience its timeless allure and honor its deep connections with the land and its people.


Jules grew up in the Valley of the Rogue, sparking a deep connection with rivers throughout her life. From the swirling currents of the Rogue River to the majestic glacial waters of the White Salmon, and the dramatic, rocky canyons of the Colorado, Julianna has found a home on many rivers. She is most inspired when sharing the magic of wild places with others and fostering a sense of community and connection. When not facilitating with Bloom, Julianna runs a counseling practice in Ashland, Oregon, where she offers experiential and nature-based therapy. You can also find her wandering forests, skiing down mountains, and enjoying the outdoors with her beloved partner and husky pup, River.

For more information about Jules, follow along on Instagram and visit her website.


Heather Hendrie’s travels have taken her from her birthplace at the confluence of the Speed and Eramosa Rivers, to the confluence of the Elbow and the Bow, then via Boulder Creek, to the Squamish, the Mamquam, and to her current home now by The River of Golden Dreams. A wilderness therapist, writer, sister, daughter, and aunt, Heather is passionate about de-stigmatizing mental health, and promoting thriving and joy. She can most frequently be found in the forest.

For more information about Heather, follow along on Instagram, visit her website, and read more about her book Awfully Hilarious.

ERIN FARRELL (she/her)

Erin Farrell is a somatic psychotherapist who supports others in listening to their bodies, intuitions, and the callings of their hearts to grow into their most authentic lives. Though she started as a city girl, Erin’s own journey of authenticity has led her into muddy rivers, through hushed pine forests, and up and down craggy mountain trails. Her first trip on the Green River in 2011, opened her eyes to the wisdom of wildness and awakened a yearning for more of what she (not so poetically) calls “This” - the sacred, the present moment, the being-not-doing, the connection, the awe.


Co-Founder of Bloom River Journeys

Sarrah Claman was raised by the wisdom of rivers through a childhood spent exploring the rivers and lakes of Temagami by canoe. From the coastal rivers of BC to the currents of the Middle Fork and Main Salmon, rivers continue to weave a foundation of profound joy, connection, and curiosity for Sarrah. As a student midwife, artist, and guide, rivers offer her a space to pause and listen, returning to self, reconnecting to the rhythms of the natural world, and basking in the laughter, wisdom, and joy always present in these spaces.

SAMI BIERMAN (she/her)

Co-Founder of Bloom River Journeys

Sami Bierman is a sister, artist, river guide, and curious listener. She is deeply passionate about fostering meaningful connections between people and the natural world. The river is her favorite place to tune into our own rhythms and pace and to feel connected to something larger than ourselves. Dancing, swimming, singing, and painting beside rivers is where she feels most alive. Originally from Montana, Sami currently calls the mountains of Fernie, British Columbia her home.

Check out Sami’s art on Instagram.


As a vital facilitator in our transformative experiences, Labyrinth Canyon holds space with the wisdom of ages, its calm waters guiding us through a 45-mile stretch from Ruby Ranch to Mineral Bottom. Picture the canyon as a team member, a silent companion, and a storyteller of geological marvels. In the embrace of this remarkable entity, we invite you to join our journey, where the rhythm of the river becomes a profound collaborator in the unfolding narratives of self-discovery and connection.

Labyrinth Canyon is an otherworldly sanctuary, a realm where time loses its hold, and the ordinary dissolves into the extraordinary. It's a magical space that pulls you into a contemplative dance of twists and turns, much like a labyrinthian path.

Labyrinth Canyon and the Green River are the traditional territory of many nations, including the Ute, Diné, and Timpanogos Peoples. We extend our respect to these nations and all others, both acknowledged and unacknowledged, recorded and unrecorded, who have been, are, and will be the past, present, and future caretakers of this land.